Meaning of this section: books, book chapters and papers in scientific magazines and conferences.
Books like author/coauthor or compiler:
1990: Compiler and coauthor of the book entitled "Mass Media y Perestroika/Komunikabideak eta Perestroika". Author of the chapter "Egungo prentsa SESBean" (Current Press in the Soviet Union). Department of Journalism of the University of the Basque Country. Bilbao.
1991: Author of the book "Geografidatutegia. Geografia-izen arrotzen ortoepia eta ortografia finkatzeko saioa" (Almanac of the World. Ortologic and Ortographic fixing of Exotoponyma). It was written together with professor Andolin Eguzkitza. UPV/EHU Press. Bilbao.
1994: Compiller and coauthor of the book "Hedabideetako euskara" (The Basque Language in the Media). Author of the chapter "kazeta-hizkera eta neologismoak" (Journalistic Language and Loanwords). UPV/EHU Press. Bilbao.
1996: Co-author with Joseba Santxo of the book entitled "Hobeki" (Euskara eta Literatura). Hiztegia. This book was published by Zubia-Santillana. 64 pages.
1997: Author of the book entitled "Hitz-laburtzapenak euskal hizkuntzan. Laburkinen erabilera kazetagintzan. Laburkindegi orokorra" (siglak, akronimoak, laburdurak eta sinboloak (Abbreviations in Basque. The Use of Acronyms and Abbreviations in media. Dictionary of Acronyms, Abbreviations and Symbols). UPV/EHU Press. Bilbao, December 1997.
1997: Co-author with professors José I. Armentia, José M. Caminos, Marian Glez. Abrisketa and Txema Ramírez de la Piscina of the book "Ajuria Eneko Ituna mezubideetan: bakerako bidea ala aztoramen iturria?" (The Agreement of Ajuria Enea and the Mass Media: The track towards Peace or the source of tension?). EHUKI taldea, Arabera Press, Vitoria-Gasteiz. 176 pgs.
1999: Author of the book chapter Irrati programazioa in the book entitled "Hezkuntza, Hedabideak eta Teknologia Berriak", coedited by myself. Published in March.
2000: Co-author with professors José I. Armentia and José M. Caminos of the book "Kazetaritzaren hasi-masiak" (beginning Journalism Studies), Bilbao: UPV/EHU Press.
2000: Author of the book "Irratibidearen barrunbean zehar" (Learning Radio), Bilbao: UEU Press.
2001: Co-author and editor of the book entitled "Internet y la comunicación multimedia" (Internet and multimedia communication). Madrid: Minor Universitarios.
2003: Co-author with professor Chris Tulloch of the book "Nuevas tecnologías e información audiovisual digital". Bilbao: EHU.
Book chapters:
1995: Author of the chapter "Irratiko informazio-generoak" (Types of Radio News), published in the book "Comunicación, medios y mensajes" (Commnunication, Media and Messages). Department of Journalism of the UPV/EHU. Bilbao.
1995: Author of the chapter "Kazetarien kodigo deontologikoaz" (Deontological Code in Journalism), published in the book "Mass Media and Society". Department of Journalism of the UPV/EHU.
2002: author of the chapter “El avance inalámbrico en redes locales”, in “La comunicación en la sociedad del conocimiento. Sopelcom 2002”. Bilbao: Foro de las Nuevas Tecnologías de Sopelana.
2003: author of the chapter “Usabilidad, interacción y arquitectura en la televisión por Internet”, in “Odisea 21: la evolución del sector audiovisual”. Madrid: Forja, pgs 293-304.
2003: Author of the chapter "Software libre, gestión de contenido y publicación multimedia abierta". Published in the book entitled "Interactividad y usabilidad en la arquitectura web" (Interactivity and usabilidty in web architecture). Published by Kodeak (Association for Fostering Digital Quality).
2006: author with Carlos Castaño, “Edublogs para el aprendizaje continuo en la web semántica” in “E-actividades, un referente básico para la formación en Internet”, Eduforma-Trillas, Sevilla, pgs 95-112.
2006: author with Carlos Castaño, “Sistemas wiki para la enseñanza” in “E-actividades, un referente básico para la formación en Internet”, Eduforma-Trillas, Sevilla, pgs 169-182.
Scientific magazines:
1991: Author of the article entitled "Euskal komunikabideetako euskara" (The Basque Language of the Media). It was published in the journal of the Basque Summer University /Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea Uztaro (1st. number).
1992: Author of the article "Exotoponimiazko problemak kazetagintzan" (Problems of Exotoponyma in Media), It was published in the journal of the Basque Summer University /Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea Uztaro (7th. number).
1997: Author of the article written in English "Basque Radio Networks. News Sources in Basque Radio Stations". It appeared in ZER, scientific journal of the Faculty of Social and Coounication Siences of the UPV/EHU; No. 2, May.
1997: Author of the article "Anglizismoen erabiltzaroa (hedabideak giltzarri)" [Good Times for the English Loanwords (Mass Media are the Key)], published in the journal KARMEL, January 1998, Number 221, 3-18.
1999: Author of the article "La radiovisión el nuevo medio multiservicio" in the journal ZER, Number 6. Bilbao: UPV/EHU, May, pgs. 179-198.
2000: Co-author of the article entitled "Terminologia kazetari eta iragarleen mintzairan" (Terminology in the language of journalists and advertisers) in the journal Karmel, Number 230. Markina: Euskal Herriko Karmeldarrak.
2003: Author of the article "Zopelana, trabajando el código con ZOPE" (Zopelana, working with ZOPE code) in the journal Linux Free Magazine, Number 3. Madrid: KP ediciones.
Conferences and seminars:
1997: Co-author with professors José I. Armentia, José M. Caminos, Marian Glez. Abrisketa and Txema Ramírez of the article entitled "Ajuria Eneko Ituna, hedabideak eta baketze prozesua Euskal Herrian" (The Agreement of Ajuria Enea, Mass Media and the Pacification Process in the Basque Country). In the proceedings acts of the VII Jornadas Internacionales de Cultura y Paz de Gernika, organized by the Research Center for the Peace Gernika gogoratuz.
2000: Co-author with M. Morris, J. Etxebarria and M. Minguez of the article Terminology in Basque, in the proceedings acts of the VII, organized by the Association of Terminology of Portugal.
2006: Elearning 2, Autoformación con redes sociales y Web 2.0.
Books like author/coauthor or compiler:
1990: Compiler and coauthor of the book entitled "Mass Media y Perestroika/Komunikabideak eta Perestroika". Author of the chapter "Egungo prentsa SESBean" (Current Press in the Soviet Union). Department of Journalism of the University of the Basque Country. Bilbao.
1991: Author of the book "Geografidatutegia. Geografia-izen arrotzen ortoepia eta ortografia finkatzeko saioa" (Almanac of the World. Ortologic and Ortographic fixing of Exotoponyma). It was written together with professor Andolin Eguzkitza. UPV/EHU Press. Bilbao.
1994: Compiller and coauthor of the book "Hedabideetako euskara" (The Basque Language in the Media). Author of the chapter "kazeta-hizkera eta neologismoak" (Journalistic Language and Loanwords). UPV/EHU Press. Bilbao.
1996: Co-author with Joseba Santxo of the book entitled "Hobeki" (Euskara eta Literatura). Hiztegia. This book was published by Zubia-Santillana. 64 pages.
1997: Author of the book entitled "Hitz-laburtzapenak euskal hizkuntzan. Laburkinen erabilera kazetagintzan. Laburkindegi orokorra" (siglak, akronimoak, laburdurak eta sinboloak (Abbreviations in Basque. The Use of Acronyms and Abbreviations in media. Dictionary of Acronyms, Abbreviations and Symbols). UPV/EHU Press. Bilbao, December 1997.
1997: Co-author with professors José I. Armentia, José M. Caminos, Marian Glez. Abrisketa and Txema Ramírez de la Piscina of the book "Ajuria Eneko Ituna mezubideetan: bakerako bidea ala aztoramen iturria?" (The Agreement of Ajuria Enea and the Mass Media: The track towards Peace or the source of tension?). EHUKI taldea, Arabera Press, Vitoria-Gasteiz. 176 pgs.
1999: Author of the book chapter Irrati programazioa in the book entitled "Hezkuntza, Hedabideak eta Teknologia Berriak", coedited by myself. Published in March.
2000: Co-author with professors José I. Armentia and José M. Caminos of the book "Kazetaritzaren hasi-masiak" (beginning Journalism Studies), Bilbao: UPV/EHU Press.
2000: Author of the book "Irratibidearen barrunbean zehar" (Learning Radio), Bilbao: UEU Press.
2001: Co-author and editor of the book entitled "Internet y la comunicación multimedia" (Internet and multimedia communication). Madrid: Minor Universitarios.
2003: Co-author with professor Chris Tulloch of the book "Nuevas tecnologías e información audiovisual digital". Bilbao: EHU.
Book chapters:
1995: Author of the chapter "Irratiko informazio-generoak" (Types of Radio News), published in the book "Comunicación, medios y mensajes" (Commnunication, Media and Messages). Department of Journalism of the UPV/EHU. Bilbao.
1995: Author of the chapter "Kazetarien kodigo deontologikoaz" (Deontological Code in Journalism), published in the book "Mass Media and Society". Department of Journalism of the UPV/EHU.
2002: author of the chapter “El avance inalámbrico en redes locales”, in “La comunicación en la sociedad del conocimiento. Sopelcom 2002”. Bilbao: Foro de las Nuevas Tecnologías de Sopelana.
2003: author of the chapter “Usabilidad, interacción y arquitectura en la televisión por Internet”, in “Odisea 21: la evolución del sector audiovisual”. Madrid: Forja, pgs 293-304.
2003: Author of the chapter "Software libre, gestión de contenido y publicación multimedia abierta". Published in the book entitled "Interactividad y usabilidad en la arquitectura web" (Interactivity and usabilidty in web architecture). Published by Kodeak (Association for Fostering Digital Quality).
2006: author with Carlos Castaño, “Edublogs para el aprendizaje continuo en la web semántica” in “E-actividades, un referente básico para la formación en Internet”, Eduforma-Trillas, Sevilla, pgs 95-112.
2006: author with Carlos Castaño, “Sistemas wiki para la enseñanza” in “E-actividades, un referente básico para la formación en Internet”, Eduforma-Trillas, Sevilla, pgs 169-182.
Scientific magazines:
1991: Author of the article entitled "Euskal komunikabideetako euskara" (The Basque Language of the Media). It was published in the journal of the Basque Summer University /Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea Uztaro (1st. number).
1992: Author of the article "Exotoponimiazko problemak kazetagintzan" (Problems of Exotoponyma in Media), It was published in the journal of the Basque Summer University /Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea Uztaro (7th. number).
1997: Author of the article written in English "Basque Radio Networks. News Sources in Basque Radio Stations". It appeared in ZER, scientific journal of the Faculty of Social and Coounication Siences of the UPV/EHU; No. 2, May.
1997: Author of the article "Anglizismoen erabiltzaroa (hedabideak giltzarri)" [Good Times for the English Loanwords (Mass Media are the Key)], published in the journal KARMEL, January 1998, Number 221, 3-18.
1999: Author of the article "La radiovisión el nuevo medio multiservicio" in the journal ZER, Number 6. Bilbao: UPV/EHU, May, pgs. 179-198.
2000: Co-author of the article entitled "Terminologia kazetari eta iragarleen mintzairan" (Terminology in the language of journalists and advertisers) in the journal Karmel, Number 230. Markina: Euskal Herriko Karmeldarrak.
2003: Author of the article "Zopelana, trabajando el código con ZOPE" (Zopelana, working with ZOPE code) in the journal Linux Free Magazine, Number 3. Madrid: KP ediciones.
Conferences and seminars:
1997: Co-author with professors José I. Armentia, José M. Caminos, Marian Glez. Abrisketa and Txema Ramírez of the article entitled "Ajuria Eneko Ituna, hedabideak eta baketze prozesua Euskal Herrian" (The Agreement of Ajuria Enea, Mass Media and the Pacification Process in the Basque Country). In the proceedings acts of the VII Jornadas Internacionales de Cultura y Paz de Gernika, organized by the Research Center for the Peace Gernika gogoratuz.
2000: Co-author with M. Morris, J. Etxebarria and M. Minguez of the article Terminology in Basque, in the proceedings acts of the VII, organized by the Association of Terminology of Portugal.
2006: Elearning 2, Autoformación con redes sociales y Web 2.0.