MTV, Jamendo and YouTube

It is a new time for all kind of music. Jamendo is the killer site for CC music and MTV has just launched its archive for everybody: Free music from one of the main companies of music: MTV. It's late, but people will be happy with it. The site is similar to YouTube, but in the same way different. YouTube is still the king for video pills. I can say that MTV site has a very well designed Flash player. I love it. You can check it with this awesome song of Crosby, Nash, Stills and Young: American dream... may be your dream within some years. Or you may prefer Craig David's Let's dance.

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Hau esan du Aitor Lobato erabiltzaileak…
Kaixo gorka!
MTVko web orrialde horretan sartu naz eta egia esateko asko gustatu jat. Irudiaren aldetik kalitate handikoa dela nabarmenduko neuke. Soinua, bestalde, benetan ona dala uste dot. Horrez gain, bilatzailea oso azkarra eta era berean zehatza da.
Youtubek hobe dau berrizatzea, web-gune barri hau primerakoa baita.