I've finished this video clip of 2 minutes about the new campus that is coming soon. Take a look at the scientific park of Leioa. Installations are important, like Google has shown us, but the innovation is within us. People are the key. In this video, the key is the song by Killing Chips and Eduvlog for supporting it. I have left an exercise for my studients at Ikasvlogak. Duration: 02:53.
My content is free like GNU/Linux, take a look at:
Bloggerlandia :: Eduvlog :: Ikasvlogak :: Ikastube :: Ehuugle :: Weblearner.info :: Idaho shots
My content is free like GNU/Linux, take a look at:
Bloggerlandia :: Eduvlog :: Ikasvlogak :: Ikastube :: Ehuugle :: Weblearner.info :: Idaho shots
Edonola ere dotore-dotore geratuko da kanpusa.