Open Education is spreading out rapidly

Extensive open course offerings all around the world are spreading out in a rush. Everyone is talking about this new way to understand Education and after taking a look at those open resources teachers often ask for more information about the future of Higher Ed. I think the future is clear from now on. MOOCs are those great newcomers that will change universities and colleges within one decade.

Wikipedia is the implementation of the static knowledge revolution, but we should get the next revolution regarding the transmission of that static knowledge. Flipping in the classroom is not enough to change the habits and to contribute to the Open Education movement represented by GNU/Linux and Wikipedia. We need new ways to transmit or spread out the open papers made by teachers to their colleagues and students taking into account the power of social colaboration via Internet. Physical classrooms are not enough, as well as open stuff. We need new ways, models and formats like MOOCs for the New Age of Hiher Education. Before finishing this reflexion about Open Education, I think it's a must-mention the following list. Here you have some open educational resources. May be the main ones in English, but there are more in other languages, of course:

0.- MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Free lectures, videos and more from the first institution that created the Open Education movement. OpenCourseWare (OCW) is now available all around the world at graduate and undergraduate level

1.- Open Educational Resources (OER commons).  with a lot of resources, may be 25,000 or more, this site has a lot of resources for teachers and learners.

2.- Academic Earth. This resource is made up only of online video content from top universities in US: Harvard, Berkeley, MIT, Stanford, Princeton, UCLA and Yale.

3.- OpenLearn (The Open University of UK). This website promises learning support and social networking tools 'to replicate the the different informal modes of communication and learning that happen on a traditional campus'. But, I wonder if the verb replicate is appropiate or not. I think that is not necessary to clone models. Instead of that, new models must arrive, like in the case of the MOOC movement. Otherwise, we won't innovate and models will seem to be clone of one another, just clones, not new stuff. 
