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Ufa, Baskortostaneko hiriburua (Errusia) |
Sarritan galdetu diot nere buruari zergatik euskaldunak ez diren kontsideratzen indoeuroparrak, baldin eta gure halopgrupoaren R1b aldakia gehienezkoa den. Apur bat begiratu dut Internet-en jakiteko asmoz R1b zergatik den inportantea Mendebaldeko Europan. Azken finean, ondoko mapari begiratuz gero, berehala ikusiko duzue senitartekotasuna Mendebaldeko herrien artean. Penintsula Iberikoan eta Irla Britainiarretan bistakoa da Y kromosomaren R1b halopgrupoaren nagusitasuna; eta batez ere, nagusitasun hori egungo Euskal Herrian nabaritu ahal da.
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Iturria: Eupedia.com |
R1b halpgrupoak duen R letrak adierazten duena honakoa da Eupediaren arabera:
Haplogroup R* originated in North Asia just before the Last Glacial Maximum (26,500-19,000 years ago). This haplogroup has been identified in the remains of a 24,000 year-old boy from the Altai region, in south-central Siberia (Raghavan et al. 2013). This individual belonged to a tribe of mammoth hunters that may have roamed across Siberia and parts of Europe during the Paleolithic. Autosomally this Paleolithic population appears to have contributed mostly to the ancestry of modern Europeans and South Asians, the two regions where haplogroup R also happens to be the most common nowadays (R1b in Western Europe, R1a in Eastern Europe, Central and South Asia, and R2 in South Asia).
The oldest forms of R1b (M343, P25, L389) are found dispersed at very low frequencies from Western Europe to India, a vast region where could have roamed the nomadic R1b hunter-gatherers during the Ice Age. The three main branches of R1b1 (R1b1a, R1b1b, R1b1c) all seem to have stemmed from the Middle East. The southern branch, R1b1c (V88), is found mostly in the Levant and Africa. The northern branch, R1b1a (P297), seems to have originated around the Caucasus, eastern Anatolia or northern Mesopotamia, then to have crossed over the Caucasus, from where they would have invaded Europe and Central Asia. R1b1b (M335) has only been found in Anatolia.