Telegram channel for getting daily news on Education

It is the new stuff by Russian programmer Pavel Durov, one of the best programmers of the entire world. Channels are for publishing news as we can see in many sites. My new edTech news channel is called EdNews and you can subscribe to it by lunching a browers with this URL: You'll receive daily news on education and educational technology. One more way for being updated in this particular field of edTech. Channels are a new tool to broadcast your messages to large audiences. Channels replace the old broadcast lists and are better in every way. They can have an unlimited number of members, they can be public with a permanent URL and each post in a channel has its own view counter. A great tool also to use in Education and with a clear goal to get: better and rapid or fast communication with students. Take a look at my Edtech channel and you like it, support my daily work for other people. I appreciate your reviews and stars :-) Here you can check the channel having a look at these pictures or screenshots. Finally, if you want to appreciate my work, a review may be the best thing to do.
